Results for 'Chrissy van Hulst'

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  1. A. N. Prior on Austin's 'Sense and Sensibilia'.Chrissy van Hulst & Max Cresswell - 2016 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 4 (4).
    In the early 1960s A. N. Prior was commissioned to write a review of J. L. Austin’s S ense and Sensibilia. The review was never published. The present article presents a transcription of the review from the material available in the Virtual Lab For Prior Studies maintained at Aalborg University, together with an edited version of the transcription of a longer commentary on Sense and Sensibilia from which the review was condensed.
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    De beginselleer van Hoogvelds pedagogiek.J. W. van Hulst - 1962 - Groningen: J. B. Wolters.
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    Oxygen Toxicity and Special Operations Forces Diving: Hidden and Dangerous.Thijs T. Wingelaar, Pieter-Jan A. M. van Ooij & Rob A. van Hulst - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  4. Why phonology is the same.Harry van der Hulst - 2005 - In Broekhuis (ed.), The Organization of Grammar. Mouton--de Gruyter.
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    The Surprise of a Breast Reconstruction: A Longitudinal Phenomenological Study to Women’s Expectations About Reconstructive Surgery.Marjolein de Boer, René van der Hulst & Jenny Slatman - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (3):409-430.
    While having a breast reconstruction, women have certain expectations about their future breasted bodies. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze these expectations in the process of reconstruction. By applying a qualitative, phenomenological study within a longitudinal research design, this paper acknowledges the temporarily complex, contextualized, embodied, and subjective nature of the phenomenon of expectations. The analysis identified expectations regarding three different aspects of women’s embodiment: their gazed body, their capable/practical body, and their felt body. After reconstruction, (...)
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    Digital nerve injuries: a review of predictors of sensory recovery after microsurgical digital nerve repair. [REVIEW]Joline F. Mermans, Bas Bgm Franssen, Jan Serroyen & Rene Rwj van der Hulst - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 233-241.
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    (1 other version)Lives and Works Hugo van Woerden, Willem N. Brouw, and Henk C. van de Hulst , Oort and the universe: a sketch of Oort's research and person. Dordrecht, Boston & London: D. Reidel, 1980. Pp. viii + 210. Dfl.55.00/$29.00; Dfl.25.00/$12.95. [REVIEW]Colin Dean - 1983 - British Journal for the History of Science 16 (2):204-205.
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    Oort and the Universe: A Sketch of Oort's Research and PersonHugo van Woerden Willem N. Brouw Henk C. van de Hulst.David Devorkin - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):300-300.
  9. In the Air: Extracts from an Interview with.Chrissie Parrott - 2005 - In Robin Grove, Kate Stevens & Shirley McKechnie (eds.), Thinking in Four Dimensions: creativity and cognition in contemporary dance. Melbourne UP. pp. 95.
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    Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Cultures.Chrissie Rogers & Susie Weller (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    What does ‘care’ mean in contemporary society? How are caring relationships practised in different contexts? What resources do individuals and collectives draw upon in order to care for, care with and care about themselves and others? How do such relationships and practices relate to broader social processes? Care shapes people’s everyday lives and relationships and caring relations and practices influence the economies of different societies. This interdisciplinary book takes a nuanced and context-sensitive approach to exploring caring relationships, identities and practices (...)
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    Toward Pedagogical Justice: Teaching Worlds that we can Collectively Build.Chrissy A. Z. Hernandez, Sheeva Sabati & Ethan Chang - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):572-592.
    How can educators create space for students to practice making the worlds we are trying to collectively build? Inspired by genealogies that are grounded in and emerge from social movements, this paper uplifts the possibilities, tensions, and new questions that emerge when we take seriously the role of our classroom pedagogies. The authors offer a reflexive, methodological approach that pushes against the theory/practice divide and that stays with the importance of inhabiting theory through practice. They reflect on the role their (...)
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  12. Picture for illustration purposes only.Chrissie Smith - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch (ed.), An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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    Phonological Knowledge: Conceptual and Empirical Issues.Noel Burton-Roberts, Philip Carr & Gerard J. Docherty (eds.) - 1959 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Phonological Knowledge addresses central questions in the foundations of phonology and locates them within their larger linguistic and philosophical context. Phonology is a discipline grounded in observable facts, but like any discipline it rests on conceptual assumptions. This book investigates the nature, status, and acquisition of phonological knowledge: it enquires into the conceptual and empirical foundations of phonology, and considers the relation of phonology to the theory of language and other capacities of mind. The authors address a wide range of (...)
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    Arguments and structure: studies on the architecture of the sentence.Teun Hoekstra - 2004 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Edited by R. P. E. Sybesma.
    Possession and transitivity -- The indirect object, its status and place -- Categories and arguments -- The active-passive configuration -- Verbal affixation -- Why Kaatje was not heard sing a song (with Hans Bennis) -- T-chains and auxiliaries (with Jacqueline Guéron) -- Clitics in romance and the study of head-movement -- ECP, tense and islands -- Bracketing paradoxes do not exist (with Harry van der Hulst and Frans van der Putten) -- The nominal infinitive (with Pim Wehrmann) -- Parallels (...)
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    Book Review: Recognising Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment. [REVIEW]Chrissy Hunter - 2013 - Feminist Review 103 (1):e7-e8.
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    Dimiter Angelov, The Byzantine Hellene: The Life of Emperor Theodore Laskaris and Byzantium in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xx, 441; color plates and black-and-white figures. $49.99. ISBN: 978-1-1084-8071-0. [REVIEW]Nikolaos G. Chrissis - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):778-779.
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  17. Extending translation, connecting viewpoints and scaling policies and agency: three challenges for translation historians of the French Revolution.Lieven D’Hulst - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This contribution deals with a number of challenges faced by translation historians of the French Revolution. First, the challenge of extending the translation category by including a range of transfer modalities that gravitate around translation. Second, the challenge of finding a balance between two historians’ viewpoints: those who want to know what the Revolution has meant for translation and those who want to know what translation has meant for the Revolution. Third, the challenge of relating the different scales of translators’ (...)
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    La culture allemande en France au début du XIXe siècle: Analyse statistique des livres traduits entre 1810 et 1840.Lieven D’Hulst - 2008 - In Manfred Schmeling & Alberto Gil (eds.), Kultur Übersetzen: Zur Wissenschaft des Übersetzens Im Deutsch-Französischen Dialog. Akademie Verlag. pp. 83-96.
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  19. Stress.Harry Hulst - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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    ‘When morals and markets collide’: Challenges to an Ethic of Care in Aged Residential Care.Martin Woods, Suzanne Phibbs & Chrissy Severinsen - 2017 - Ethics and Social Welfare 11 (4):365-381.
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    Big Brother of Shakespeare?Gust De Meyer & Norbert D'Hulst - 2001 - Nova et Vetera 79 (1-2):12-24.
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    The Empirical Stance.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 2002 - New York: Yale University Press.
    What is empiricism and what could it be? Bas . van Fraassen, one of the world’s foremost contributors to philosophical logic and the philosophy of science, here undertakes a fresh consideration of these questions and offers a program for renewal of the empiricist tradition. The empiricist tradition is not and could not be defined by common doctrines, but embodies a certain stance in philosophy, van Fraassen says. This stance is displayed first of all in a searing, recurrent critique of metaphysics, (...)
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    Logic and structure.D. van Dalen - 1980 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    From the reviews: "A good textbook can improve a lecture course enormously, especially when the material of the lecture includes many technical details. Van Dalen's book, the success and popularity of which may be suspected from this steady interest in it, contains a thorough introduction to elementary classical logic in a relaxed way, suitable for mathematics students who just want to get to know logic. The presentation always points out the connections of logic to other parts of mathematics. The reader (...)
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  24. Metaethics: A Contemporary Introduction.Mark Steven Van Roojen - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Metaethics: A Contemporary Introduction provides a solid foundation in metaethics for advanced undergraduates by introducing a series of puzzles that most metaethical theories address. These puzzles involve moral disagreement, reference, moral epistemology, metaphysics, and moral psychology. From there, author Mark van Roojen discusses the many positions in metaethics that people will take in reaction to these puzzles. Van Roojen asks several essential questions of his readers, namely: What is metaethics? Why study it? How does one discuss metaethics, given its inherently (...)
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    Dark Matters: Pessimism and the Problem of Suffering.Mara van der Lugt - 2021 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    An intellectual history of the philosophers who grappled with the problem of evil, and the case for why pessimism still holds moral value for us today In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, philosophers engaged in heated debates on the question of how God could have allowed evil and suffering in a creation that is supposedly good. Dark Matters traces how the competing philosophical traditions of optimism and pessimism arose from early modern debates about the problem of evil, and makes a (...)
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    The Young Heidegger: Rumor of the Hidden King.John Van Buren - 1994 - Indiana University Press.
    "... a major contribution to Heidegger scholarship..." —Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences "Van Buren’s portrayal of these formative years is striking and vital to all future Heidegger scholarship." —Christian Century "Van Buren presents a clear and cogent argument for the theory that Martin Heidegger’s mature thought, epitomized in Being and Time, actually was a return to his youthful theory and concerns.... Van Buren’s ability to present a rounded discussion while using Heidegger’s own technical vocabulary is highly commendable." —Library (...)
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  27. Ontology, Identity, and Modality: Essays in Metaphysics.Peter van Inwagen - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book gathers together thirteen of Peter van Inwagen's essays on metaphysics, several of which have acquired the status of modern classics in their field. They range widely across such topics as Quine's philosophy of quantification, the ontology of fiction, the part-whole relation, the theory of 'temporal parts', and human knowledge of modal truths. In addition, van Inwagen considers the question as to whether the psychological continuity theory of personal identity is compatible with materialism, and defends the thesis that possible (...)
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    Kant on Proper Science: Biology in the Critical Philosophy and the Opus postumum.Hein van den Berg - 2014 - Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media.
    Biology in the Critical Philosophy and the Opus postumum Hein van den Berg. Parts of Chap. 2 have been previously published in Hein van den Berg (2011), “ Kant's Conception of Proper Science.” Synthese 183 (1): 7–26. Parts of Chap.
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    Dirty Virtues: The Emergence of Ecological Virtue Ethics.Louke van Wensveen - 1999 - Humanity Books.
    This is the first extensive study of ecological virtue ethics and the new rhetoric of environmentalists. Based on a wide-ranging survey of environmental literature, Louke van Wensveen offers an overview of current "green" virtue language and proposes the basic elements of a matching ecological virtue theory, dubbed "dirty virtues" by ecological philosophers.Environmental ethics is not exhausted by debates about the need to preserve rivers, our duties to bioregions, and the intrinsic value of nonhuman nature; rather, ecoliterature also contains a rich (...)
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    Metafore vir die ontmoeting tussen God en mens en ’n ‘swerwende’ teoloog se soekend-wandelende reis.Tanya Van Wyk & Andries G. Van Aarde - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Metaphors for the encounter between God and humanity and a roaming theologian’s reflective journey. This article maps the theology of Christo van der Merwe as a mobilising theology which aided the Netherdutch Reformed Church in Africa in discerning its character, role and purpose. The core of Van der Merwe’s theology consists of a journey with God as encountered in the narratives about Jesus and the Spirit told in the Christian Bible. The article shows that the mobilising core of his theology (...)
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    Aspects of predicative algebraic set theory I: Exact Completion.Benno van den Berg & Ieke Moerdijk - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 156 (1):123-159.
    This is the first in a series of papers on Predicative Algebraic Set Theory, where we lay the necessary groundwork for the subsequent parts, one on realizability [B. van den Berg, I. Moerdijk, Aspects of predicative algebraic set theory II: Realizability, Theoret. Comput. Sci. . Available from: arXiv:0801.2305, 2008], and the other on sheaves [B. van den Berg, I. Moerdijk, Aspects of predicative algebraic set theory III: Sheaf models, 2008 ]. We introduce the notion of a predicative category with small (...)
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    Against elections: the case for democracy.David Van Reybrouck - 2018 - New York: Seven Stories Press. Edited by Kofi A. Annan & Liz Waters.
    Without drastic adjustment, this system cannot last much longer," writes Van Reybrouck. "If you look at the decline in voter turnout and party membership, and at the way politicians are held in contempt, if you look at how difficult it is to form governments, how little they can do and how harshly they are punished for it, if you look at how quickly populism, technocracy and anti-parliamentarianism are rising, if you look at how more and more citizens are longing for (...)
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  33. Revealed preference and satisficing behavior.Robert van Rooij - 2011 - Synthese 179 (S1):1 - 12.
    A much discussed topic in the theory of choice is how a preference order among options can be derived from the assumption that the notion of ' choice' is primitive. Assuming a choice function that selects elements from each finite set of options, Arrow (Económica 26: 121-127,1959) already showed how we can generate a weak ordering by putting constraints on the behavior of such a function such that it reflects utility maximization. Arrow proposed that rational agents can be modeled by (...)
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    Effectiveness Through Reasonableness Preliminary Steps to Pragma-Dialectical Effectiveness Research.Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen & Bert Meuffels - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):33-53.
    The introduction of the concept of strategic maneuvering into the pragma-dialectical theory makes it possible to formulate testable hypotheses regarding the persuasiveness of argumentative moves that are made in argumentative discourse. After summarizing the standard pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation, van Eemeren, Garssen, and Meuffels explain what the extension of the pragma-dialectical approach with strategic maneuvering involves and discuss the fallacies in terms of the extended pragma-dialectical approach as derailments of strategic maneuvering. Then they give an empirical interpretation of the extended (...)
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    “That Will Do”: Logics of Deontic Necessity and Sufficiency.Frederik Van De Putte - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (3):473-511.
    We study a logic for deontic necessity and sufficiency, as originally proposed in van Benthem :36–41, 1979). Building on earlier work in modal logic, we provide a sound and complete axiomatization for it, consider some standard extensions, and study other important properties. After that, we compare this logic to the logic of “obligation as weakest permission” from Anglberger et al. :807–827, 2015).
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    Feuerbach and the Interpretation of Religion.Van Austin Harvey - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Ludwig Feuerbach is traditionally regarded as a significant but transitional figure in the development of nineteenth-century German thought. Readings of Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity tend to focus on those features which made it seem liberating to the Young Hegelians: namely, its criticism of reification as abstraction, and its interpretation of religion as alienation. In this book, Van Harvey claims that this is a limited and inadequate view of Feuerbach's work, especially of his critique of religion. The author argues that (...)
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  37. Subjective consciousness and self-representation.Robert Van Gulick - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (3):457-465.
    Subjective consciousness and self-representation Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-9 DOI 10.1007/s11098-011-9765-7 Authors Robert Van Gulick, Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA Journal Philosophical Studies Online ISSN 1573-0883 Print ISSN 0031-8116.
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    (1 other version)Happiness Quantified: A Satisfaction Calculus Approach.Bernard M. S. Van Praag & Ada Ferrer-I.-Carbonell - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    How do we measure happiness? Focusing on subjective measures as a proxy for welfare and well-being, this book finds ways to do that. Subjective measures have been used by psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, and, more recently, economists to answer a variety of scientifically and politically relevant questions. Van Praag, a pioneer in this field since 1971, and Ferrer-i-Carbonell present in this book a generally applicable methodology for the analysis of subjective satisfaction. Drawing on a range of surveys on people's satisfaction (...)
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    The Epistemology of Reading and Interpretation.René van Woudenberg - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Reading and textual interpretation are ordinary human activities, performed inside as well as outside academia, but precisely how they function as unique sources of knowledge is not well understood. In this book, René van Woudenberg explores the nature of reading and how it is distinct from perception and testimony, which are two widely acknowledged knowledge sources. After distinguishing seven accounts of interpretation, van Woudenberg discusses the question of whether all reading inevitably involves interpretation, and shows that although reading and interpretation (...)
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    Flexibility in Embodied Language Processing: Context Effects in Lexical Access.Wessel O. van Dam, Inti A. Brazil, Harold Bekkering & Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):407-424.
    According to embodied theories of language (ETLs), word meaning relies on sensorimotor brain areas, generally dedicated to acting and perceiving in the real world. More specifically, words denoting actions are postulated to make use of neural motor areas, while words denoting visual properties draw on the resources of visual brain areas. Therefore, there is a direct correspondence between word meaning and the experience a listener has had with a word's referent on the brain level. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have provided (...)
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    The long goodbye: Hugo Grotius’ justification of Dutch expansion overseas, 1615–1645.Martine van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):386-411.
    This article examines Grotius’ lifelong support for Dutch expansion overseas. As noted in other publications of mine, Grotius cooperated closely with the directors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the years 1604–1615. Right up to his arrest for high treason in August 1618, he contributed towards Dutch government discussions about the establishment of a West India Company (WIC). Three years of imprisonment at Loevestein Castle and, following his escape, long years of exile could not weaken his dedication to (...)
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    A World of Difference: The Rich State of Argumentation Theory.Frans H. van Eemeren - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (2).
    This paper surveys the contributions to the study of argumentation in the two decades since the work of Toulmin and Perelman. Developments include Radical Argumentativism (Anscombre and Ducot), Communication and Rhetoric (American Speech Communication Theory), Informal Logic (Johnson and Blair), Formal Analyses of Fallacies (Woods and Walton), Formal Dialectics (Barth and Krabbe), and Pragma-Dialectics (van Eemeren and Grootendorst). From the survey it is concluded that argumentation theory has been considerably enriched. If the contributions can be made to converge, a sound (...)
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    (2 other versions)Theory of knowledge for the IB Diploma.Richard van de Lagemaat - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This comprehensive and accessible book is designed for use by students following the Theory of Knowledge course in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. The book is also useful for students following other critical thinking courses. The fundamental question in Theory of Knowledge is 'How do you know? In exploring this question, the author encourages critical thinking across a range of subject areas and helps students to ask relevant questions, use language with care and precision, support ideas with evidence, argue (...)
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  44. Explaining belief in the supernatural: Some thoughts on Paul Bloom's 'Religious Belief as an Evolutionary Accident'.Peter van Inwagen - 2009 - In Jeffrey Schloss & Michael J. Murray (eds.), The believing primate: scientific, philosophical, and theological reflections on the origin of religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 128-138.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001788481; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 128-138.; Language(s): English; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay; Related Essays: By: Van Inwagen, Peter Explaining belief in the supernatural Believing primate, p 128-138. Oxford ; New York : Oxford Univ Pr, 2009 ATLA0001788481.
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    The Neuroscience of Suicidal Behavior.Kees van Heeringen - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Nearly one million people take their own lives each year world-wide - however, contrary to popular belief, suicide can be prevented. While suicide is commonly thought to be an understandable reaction to severe stress, it is actually an abnormal reaction to regular situations. Something more than unbearable stress is needed to explain suicide, and neuroscience shows what this is, how it is caused and how it can be treated. Professor Kees van Heeringen describes findings from neuroscientific research on suicide, using (...)
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  46. Decisions, Actions, and Games, a Logical Perspective.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Over the past decades, logicians interested in rational agency and intelligent interaction studied major components of these phenomena, such as knowledge, belief, and preference. In recent years, standard ‘static’ logics describing information states of agents have been generalized to dynamic logics describing actions and events that produce information, revise beliefs, or change preferences, as explicit parts of the logical system. Van Ditmarsch, van der Hoek & Kooi 2007, Baltag, van Ditmarsch & Moss 2008, van Benthem, to appear A, are up-to-date (...)
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    Partners in history: The Dutch Reformed Church and theological training at the University of Pretoria: 1938–2000.Johan van der Merwe - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-10.
    The Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria celebrates its centenary in 2017. Theological training at the university started in 1917 when the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika decided to train its own ministers. In 1937 the Dutch Reformed Church decided to establish a faculty of its own at the university. This led to a faculty with two sections: Section A for the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk and Section B for the Dutch Reformed Church. This was the situation until 2000 (...)
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    The Microscope of Experience: Christian Garve's Translation of Cicero's "De Officiis".Johan van der Zande - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Microscope of Experience: Christian Garve’s Translation of Cicero’s De Officiis (1783)Johan van der ZandeDuring the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Teschen of 1779, ending the phony War of Bavarian Succession, Frederick II and his court stayed in Breslau, the capital of Silesia. There, in conversation with Christian Garve, the city’s most famous son, the king strongly recommended a new German translation of Cicero’s On Moral Duties (De (...)
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    Tribute to an Altruistic Editor.Werdie van Staden - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (2):93-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tribute to an Altruistic EditorWerdie van Staden, MD, PhDThis editorial celebrates the altruistic work of Professor John Sadler during his tenure as editor of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology. Since its founding about 31 years ago, he has done this behind-the-scenes work, principally to the benefit of our scholarly community, creating a space and opportunity for excellence in advancing the common interests of philosophers, psychiatrists, psychologists and the people they (...)
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    Radical inclusivity and the journey on the way to somewhere [irgendwohin unterwegs].Andries G. Van Aarde & Pieter G. R. de Villiers - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):13.
    This article represents the genre of auto-ethnographic, autobiographical research. It consists of questions which evoke narrative responses because the questions register a life story in itself. Pieter G.R. de Villiers is the interpellator and Andries G. van Aarde the respondent. They are long-standing friends and both professors of New Testament studies. De Villiers is presently the editor at LitNet Academic (Religious Studies), and Van Aarde is the editor of HTS Theological Studies. Since 1990, De Villiers has been Executive Director of (...)
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